Blisters can be debilitating on many different fronts. They can disrupt your sightseeing while on holidays and stop you performing at your best on the sporting field.

Blisters are caused by moisture and friction.

Practising prevention is key!

Identifying any blister hot-spots and possible causes will help you to manage, and hopefully prevent their occurrence allowing you to perform at your best.

Moisture is usually caused by sweat or rain:

Controlling sweating:

  • Socks
    • Thick socks are best – absorb more moisture
    • Try two pairs of socks (if you can fit it in your shoe)
    • Moisture wicking socks help keep your feet dry by taking the moisture from the skin surface to the outside of the sock where it can evaporate through the mesh of your shoes. Brands include Thorlos, Experia, WrightSock, Darntough and Feetures. You can buy these online, Athlete’s Foot, Rebel Sport or any good footwear store
    • You may need to change/rotate socks regularly during the day once they become wet.
  • Deodorant
    • Antiperspirant spray in the morning and during the day if needed
    • If excessive sweating occurs then products such as Driclor and No More Sweat can be used. Purchase these from the chemist.

You can’t control the weather, so having multiple pairs of socks to change into during the day is the best option. Try and keep your feet as dry as possible if it is going to be wet or really hot.

Friction/rubbing is mostly caused by footwear, but can also be caused by the type of activity, callouses/rough skin, long toe nails, seams in socks and many more things!

Tips to stop rubbing:

  • Break in shoes well before you plan on using them
  • Get any callouses/hard skin debrided by a Podiatrist or use a Pumice Stone/Foot File to remove at home
  • Cut toenails regularly – keep them short (not too short!) and don’t cut down the edges of your nails as this can cause ingrown nails
  • Taping any hot-spots using Hypafix/Mefix/Fixomull so that any friction occurs on the tape not on your skin
  • For persistent blistering, orthotics and/or in-shoe padding can be beneficial to redistribute pressure

A personalised blister management plan can be made by your podiatrist. The podiatrists at Melbourne Foot Clinic will give you a comprehensive treatment and specific management techniques and education for your needs.