Tips for Toenail Cutting

Tips for Toenail Cutting

Correct methods for toenail cutting are important for providing not only comfort for the individual, but also to remain pain and infection free. Ingrown toenails occur when a nail becomes lodged in the skin and does not grow normally. They are one of the major causes...
School Shoes – The Perfect Fit

School Shoes – The Perfect Fit

School Shoes are an important fit to get right as kids can take up to 16,000 steps day. Things to look for in a good school shoe are: Leather upper and quality stitching to provide good durability Rubber sole to increase shock absorption and durability Leather lining...
Heel Pain

Heel Pain

Heel pain in adults is one of the most commonly presenting complaints to our podiatrists, with the most common cause being plantar fasciitis. The plantar fascia is a ligament that connects the heel to the ball of the foot. Under normal circumstances, your plantar...
Diabetes Management

Diabetes Management

Diabetes is an increasingly common issue in our society with more than 100,000 Australians having developed the condition in the last year. Diabetes can affect both the blood and the nerves and the most common complications involve the eyes, kidneys and feet. Over...
Keryflex Nail Restoration System

Keryflex Nail Restoration System

Podiatrists commonly see a wide variety of nail disorders. They can range from short term nail damage caused by trauma, genetic abnormalities or severe fungal infections. Experienced podiatrists are experts in diagnosing and offering appropriate management for the...